Commune Libre de l'Ilot Sacré
Renato Serra, Secretary
Rue Grétry 44
1000 Brussels

Renato Serra


+ 32 2 219 66 32


+ 32 2 219 66 32





BE 408.144.821

Brussels Hotels

07/01/2008 - 08:27

Si piensas visitar Bruselas y quieres tener una idea de cómo es el centro y qué tienes que visitar, puedes acceder a esta web,, en la que encontrarás un plano con enlaces a fotografías y explicaciones sobre los monumentos del centro histórico, diferentes planos y mapas de la ciudad y de Bélgica, visitas virtuales de los lugares más importantes en 360º, fotografías y hasta un enlace a una webcam situada en la Grand Place.

Un adelanto para ir abriendo boca... o para conocer un poco más esta bella ciudad.

10/09/2007 - 15:12

Eine Millionenstadt wie Brüssel komplett zu erleben und zu beschreiben, dazu genügt natürlich weder ein Tag noch ein einziger Blogbeitrag. Darum versuchen wir es gar nicht erst, sondern bummeln einfach ein bisschen durch die Straßen der Metropole und lassen die Eindrücke auf uns wirken. Auf der Seite gibt es übrigens einen hübschen interaktiven Stadtplan mit ausführlichen Beschreibungen und wunderschönen 360-Grad-Panoramafotos.

Marc Heckert

15/03/2007 - 05:10

Just wanted to say that you have a wonderful web site. Maybe the best I have seen. We travel to Europe 2 times every year and we look at a lot of travel web sites. 
My husband and I will be visiting Brussels in early May 2007 and will absolutely find all the information we need for a great visit from all your hard work.

Brenda Simmons (USA)

24/11/2005 - 00:28

Hola Renato,

Te tengo que fecilitar por tu página web de Bruselas.
Como podrás comprobar, he añadido una enlace de tu página en mi web,

Alberto Hernández Rabal

11/09/2005 - 16:09

My son lives in Brussels with his wife and son, myself being too old now to travel, I watch the webcam of the grand place where we have spent so many happy times and it brings back so many happy memories and I have a joke with them about coming to the grand place and jumping up and down near the webcam so that I can see them at a special time, wishful thinking. Would you do me a great favour and clean the webcam lens as it seems to be coated with dirt or something,

thank you very much,
david scarlett.

10/06/2004 - 18:54

I found your site when looking for information about Belgium. Very nice and informative. I made a link from my website, so everyone can enjoy it. When placing this link is a problem, please let me know and i will remove it from my site.
You can find my website at

Greetings from Holland
Jan Kersten

15/08/2003 - 15:30

First of all, let me tell you what an UNBELIEVABLE site you have.  It is truly the best virtual travel site I have ever visited.  Unfortunately, I will be travelling by Eurorail from Schipol to Paris, and am only going to stop over for a few hours.  (I know this will only make me promise to return for a few days to visit your lovely city).  In order to maximize my time in Brussels, I was hoping you could advise me how far it would be to walk from the Eurorail Central Brussels station (I assume this does show as the Centrale Metro station on your ILOT SACRE map) to the Mannekin-Pis statue.  My wife and I love to walk, but if it was at the expense of not being able to see all of the Ilot Sacre area, we would take a taxi for a portion of this.  Also, do the buses travel through the area very regular, where we could get on, and off the bus at various stops??  We will be arriving in Brussels on Aug. 22, I look forward to it very much.

Thank you for your assistance.
Jerry L. Haynes

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mapa de Bruselas Stadtplan Brüssel mappa di Bruxelles
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Brussels Hotels Brussels
Restaurants Brussels